Top 10 Best Work From Home Jobs In Canada

Alicia Unk 🙎
7 min readJun 13, 2021


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Due to the current Covid-19 situation, approx. 3.1 million Canadian people are working from home. Because of this, lots of Canadian now seeking jobs that allow them to work from home.

According to the latest data released by Statistics Canada, around 90% of employees admitted that they feel productive while working from home. In nutshell, 58% say that they are the same products as before during WFH, while 32% say they are feeling more productive and do more work. The remaining 10% are less productive during work from home.

Work from home is not only a safe option for pandemic situations, but it also helps to generate additional income after your 9–5 job. You can earn extra income from these work-from-home jobs and save that money for your future, or cover unexpected expenses.

Work from home jobs gives you the privilege to work on your own time and at your home peace. In this article, we showing you some of the best work-from-home jobs in Canada that make you financially strong!

Strong reason for work from home

There are indeed many people who are working from home and not only pay their bills but also save/invest for their retirement. They are earning enough passive income and not dependable on their monthly paychecks. Work from home makes them financially strong.

Benefits of working from home- In Nutshell!

  • More Comfort: For lazy people like me, this point is really attractive. When you opt for work from home job, you have the full power to schedule your own time. When you want to sleep, and when to work, all is depended on your wish. Unlike regular jobs, you can work as per your comfort, whether on your couch, in your home office, or at the beach.
  • Family Time: When you are working from the comfort of your home office, you have enough time to spend with your family members and friends.
  • Work More, Earn More: In regular jobs, you need to waiting long for your salary appraisal, but with WFH jobs, your monthly income is depending upon you. The more effort you put in doing your work from home jobs, the more you can earn. Whether you earn an extra $2000/month or earn $15000/month, it depends upon your hard work.
  • Save Money: Yes, it is possible to save money because when you are working from your home, there is no need to travel to your office. It cuts your transportation costs and you can save that money for other occasions.
  • Less Debts: If you are doing work from home after your 9–5 job, you can earn extra money. This extra income can be utilized for paying off debts, renovation of home, car repairing, and saving money for your happy retirement.

High paying work from home jobs in Canada

According to and Indeed Canada, there are some high-paying works from home jobs mentioned below that offer a good enough salary in thousands of dollars.

Software Developer

The job of software developers is to create, install, test, and maintain the software. This job can be done virtually from anywhere on the globe. All you need to have good software development skills and experiences. The average salary for a software developer is around $74,093 per year.

Graphic Designer

For the job of graphic designer, you have to be excellent in creative tasks to show the new ideas in the form of banners, logos, and fonts. Same as a software designer, this job also need not be part of 9–5 routine office jobs. The average salary of a senior graphic designer is approx. $56,682 per year.

Freelance Writers

If you have a good command of English and grammar, this job fruitful for you. You can work as a freelance writer or editor and this job can be done from any place. The more you can write the articles and effectively finished the project, the more you can earn. On average, freelance writers charge $22-$25 per hour.

Data Mining & Analyst

Data mining is the way to find out the hidden and important information that stores in the databases. The data mining analyst’s job is to gather the data and analyze it to help the business entities. Data analysts using a special type of software to analyze the data, and develop an effective business solution. You can do this job from anywhere by using your computer or laptop. The average salary for this job is $56,682 per year.

Virtual Accountant

The job of an accountant is to review the overall financial accounts of an organization or company and provide the best financial advice. The accountant’s key role is to make the company more financially stable based on its expenses and budget. The demand for this job profile increasing and the average salary is around $55,915 per year.

Work from home jobs no experience required

Complete Survey

If you, do it dedicatedly, you can earn up to $500 per month. Just register at the right place and be actively participate in surveys. There are many paid surveys by which you can earn thousands of dollars per month. This survey money can be used to paying your small bills or debts. Some Free join surveys are mentioned below that are easy and pay you enough.

  1. Swagbucks
  2. Survey Junkie
  3. Opinion Outpost
  4. Inbox Dollars (Personally Recommended)

Start Blogging

Starting a blog is not difficult and you can make lots of money from it. Setup a blog doesn’t require huge money investments. First, choose your favorite blog topic, second register a domain and hosting plan, all you can do for $10 per month or less.

The main question is how much you can earn from your blog? The answer is, as much as you think! It is true, some established bloggers earn approx. $10,000 per month to as high as $120000 per month. All you need to establish your blog topic authority by providing quality and trusted information to the viewers.

Walk Dogs or Pet Sitter

If you love to take care of animals, you can earn some dollars for this by doing the pet sitter jobs. offers lots of pet sitting and dog walking jobs from which you can earn thousands of dollars per month. Some jobs are:

  • Pet sitting jobs
  • Dog sitting jobs
  • Cat sitting jobs
  • Pet grooming jobs
  • Dog training jobs

Start your part-time job as a pet sitting and earn extra income per month.

Online Teaching

Due to the pandemic situation, there is a surge in demand for online tutor jobs. This is one of the most popular categories to work from home and earn a good income. If you are a master in any language such as English, then there are many countries like China and Japan from where people want their children to learn the English language.

On average, English tutors charge $15 to $35 per hour, and the best part is that they can do it from their homes. You can find some jobs below:

  4. (Canada)

Become Proofreader

If you have a good command of English and you love to find errors in articles, proofreading is made for you. The job of the proofreader is to find out the mistakes related to grammar, spelling, sentences, punctuation, etc., and make the article in the best form.

Big publications and business required proofreader to keep eyes over their writing and make them perfect one. On average, a proofreader can easily earn $2000 to $5000 or more. You can find thousands of proofreader jobs at

When should you try working from home?

Work from home is not an easy task, you have to seriously stick with discipline and remain focused when there are other people around you. You might find more disturbance while working from home. But on the other side, if you right manage your time and effort, you can do your dream job with comfort.

You can’t find it out that whether it is easy to work from home or not until you do not own try it. Due to the current pandemic situation, working remotely is very important. Nobody knows when this pandemic will be under control, so it is good to find out work from home jobs.

Not every job requires physical presence in the office and can be complete from home; check out the above WFH job options or search over Google and earn handsome income.

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Alicia Unk 🙎

I write about culture and personal finance. Author of The Biographies of Ordinary People. 🙋